Maybe I’m Back?

Tbh I’m not really sure. Things have been odd of late. But I miss you guys so I shall make an attempt.

So since I disappeared Chassifer has been kicked-out/sent to rehab. Which he proceeded to get kicked out of. We love him to bits but he’s never gunna get his shit together *sighs* So last I heard he’s staying at some girls place in marylands.

Christmas was awesome. I got the best shits Cx and by best shits I mean bionicles, A Draculaura doll, a carton of cigarettes (which is insane because I don’t smoke that much -.-) an expensive bottle of stinky Michael Kors perfume XD I love Josh to bits but he’s reaaaaally bad at picking that sort of thing ❤ …. I also got a prettiful necklace from my pap, but I’m too busy being sad that he’s going to die soon to enjoy it.. 6-7 really ugly puzzles from my gram, and my mum-in-law actually bought me a really awesome book (Furiously Happy) by one of my favorite bloggers.

Josh really liked the poster I got him (I commissioned a drawing of us, and got it printed all big) and I think he also liked the handle of spiced rum XD

(My spawn just dumped the cats water bowl on the carpet for no earthly reason…)

We have a new roommate who used to be our neighbors roommate until they started fighting like cats and dogs -.- why can none of my friends get along?

Anyway there isn’t really a point to this besides I miss you guys, particularly Zazzle and Samm. Ann you woulddd count but I still talk to you on ig XD

ALSO Josh’s hair is blueeeee

look at how cute mah little weirdo isssss ❤ I dids that to him myself Cx

So umm I’ll try to be on here more (I’m actually about to double post and do the hair tag now lol) but I loves you all and I shall be at least semi-back. Although if you’re trying to actually get in contact with me my instagrams is still the best way (I’m fucking glued to it….)

30 thoughts on “Maybe I’m Back?”

  1. Sissy! *huggles* Oh my goodness, I’m glad to hear you’re doing well! I was a little worried. ^u^ Awwww, you and Josh look so cute with matching hair!!
    Oooh, Draculaura doll sounds exciting! ^u^ I got my first set of fancy smancy Prisma colored pencils, I’m super excited to start using them ~*o*~ Maybe I shall draw you – there is a beautiful peacock blue colored pencil in the set. Hehe :3


  2. My eyes are like prickling with tears IM SO INACTIVE ON WP LITERALLY it’s not a part of my life anymore – school is hectic af I have exams first thing back after the Christmas holidays – but argh ITS SO LAHVELY TO SEE YOUZ. HOWS LE JOSH AND YO BEBZ? You guys are life. Glad to hear you had a fab christmas!


      1. Ah tis the age I guess. Public exams here I go! I just wish I knew stuff XD the last few months have whizzed past for me – and you?
        I’ve been less mathsy but hopefully that’ll change 🙂 I could do with less homework. Been reading newspapers a lot and listening to music and heheh buying shoes ^_^ Boxing Day sales what can I say


      2. Fun fun fun i hope you find lovable maths in your near future xD newspapers can be entertaining but i prefer anime xD and damn i wish boxing day was a thing here….

        Liked by 1 person

      3. you have no Boxing Day? WHAT. BUT THE SALES HOLY RANDY FENOLI OMG. literally like after the mass reduction for xmas there’s even more reduction I legit spent money on my first pair of sneakers I can’t even
        That’s so strange! What happens then on the 26th?


      4. Nope there are a few “day after christmas” sales but nothing big at all everyone usually just sleeps off hangovers or eats leftovers or starts picking up all the wrapping paper. Its totally lame. Id much rather have boxing day than black friday

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Black Friday has made its way to Britain and my goodness is it crazy! I prefer Boxing Day personally. Plus I did it online which I normally never do but eh. Black Friday is so rowdy – people can actually get hurt. Apparently though here this year it was pretty calm (given majority was done online, but then websites crashed soo).


      6. Thats good over here at leastttt five people die every year on black friday just cuz its fuckin nuts. Boxing day sounds more my pace, like whatever you wanted that you didnt get you can buy yourself for cheaper ^-^

        Liked by 1 person

      7. Exactabloodymundo!! It’s the best time. I always find that the next six days until new year are the most confusing weird ones because noone really knows what to do and everything is pretty relaxed.


      8. Theres always alcohol its stupendous! Lol we’ve never really done firworks on newyears usually we party maybe watch the ball drop in new york and my family has this weird tradition of going to a hibachi place on the 1st

        Liked by 1 person

      9. What is a hibachi place? 🙂
        Ah I just watch telly. It’s not a case of staying up as I’m naturally a night owl. In London these huge fireworks happen it’s quite amazing. Televised and all.


      10. Its a japanese place where they cook your meal in front of you and your waiter usually does tricks with the utensils and eggs and such its a lot of fun and usually the food is amazingly yummy. And that sounds like loads of fun Cx

        Liked by 1 person

      11. Bwhoa!! That must be one exciting meal – ah watching TEH FOODZ!
        I shall be sleeping now (I be hours and hours ahead of you) so take care my friend! See you when i see you 😀 (talk but you get the gist) it’s nearly 3 0.O


  3. omg you guys’ hair is amazing I need it (literally my roots are showing and my hair’s a mess all the time and AHHH)
    Plus the lipstick really suits you! Black always strikes me as something difficult to pull off.


    1. Ive told people before that the lipstick is just pretend youre super confident and people dont question it xD and Im sure your hair is fineee but doesnt he look cute with blue!?!?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You know what you’re absolutely right with the confidence thing. My style *pssh like I had any* is still pretty samey-same but I’ve been surprisingly people around me with my new love of chokers and ear cuffs and obsession with wanting more piercings and whatnot and IM HAPPEH. confidence is key! (The Zazz is growing up.)
        The blue looks great on him! Tell him and smidge I say yo from the Land of Tea and the BBC! I’m glad you made this happen – literally that colour was made for you guys.
        Lol my hair is dead. Ever since I started preparing for exams of course I’ve washed and all but ive really grown to love dry shampoo. We have batiste (type of dry shampoo) here (you?)


      2. Thats good your style is fabbyfab xD and piercings and such are a fun way to express yourself Cx im glad your happy. Will do and thanks x3 dry shampoo is life honestly i wash my hair maybe once a week XD and i have a can of cherry batiste on my vanity right now!!!! Its really big over here like 7 different types everywhere you go

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Yes! Yes! My mum doesn’t want me to have more piercings currently but hopefully in the future I can (literally I am not giving up I want that nose piercing). SAME. once a week with legit splashy-splashy is plenty – make way for the dry shampoo. And ooh yay! Maybe us Brits borrowed batiste from you guys.


      4. I get that I was only allowed to have ear piercings till I moved out. Septums look cool but warning this is the only piercing i considered legit painful xD never repiercing it… and omg its amazinggg and I have no idea *shrugs* maybe australian? Or some other randome place

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Ah I see! I was hoping to get one on like the nose-y bit of my nose (???!!) – so random but I’m envisioned myself with like a big gold hoop with a chain looping to an earring I KNOW WEIRD (I don’t tell people this) but I saw if in a bridal magazine and made it a life goal 🙂
        🙂 🙂


      6. Ahh yea regular noses arent supposed to be nearly as bad because there isnt any cartilidge there. And i like nose to ear chains! Youd be able to pull it off really well cuz your super pretty and your complexion seems awesome for gold Cx

        Liked by 1 person

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